Projectskeyboard_arrow_rightPolicy Synth: Using Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Collective Intelligence Policy Synth: Using Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Collective Intelligence
Exploring how AI can accelerate and improve the Smarter Crowdsourcing process to enable us to solve public problems more rapidly.
In collaboration with Citizens Foundation, The GovLab is developing a novel problem solving method that combines the collective wisdom of human experts and the computational power of AI agents to enhance and scale up public problem-solving processes.
The approach combines Smarter Crowdsourcing -- which is designed to channel the collective intelligence of those with expertise about a problem into actionable solutions through crowdsourcing -- with an innovative AI toolkit called Policy Synth with the aim of making the Smarter Crowdsourcing problem-solving approach both more scalable, more effective and more efficient. Policy Synth is crafted using a human-centric approach, recognizing that AI is a tool to enhance human intelligence and creativity, not replace it.
Results & Impact
In June 2024, The GovLab released a report, Using Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Collective Intelligence, which introduced a set of practical tools and methods that institutions can use to engage groups in solving public problems using a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and collective intelligence (CI).
Co-authored with Citizens Foundation, the report describes a case study comparing solutions to a complex policy problem generated using artificial intelligence to those developed through expert crowdsourcing. The case study demonstrates how generative AI can make participatory problem-solving with human participants more effective because the tools make it possible to translate ideas into implementable proposals more quickly than human participation alone.