Projectskeyboard_arrow_rightNHS Public Data Science Network

NHS Public Data Science Network

How to connect a public institution to data science expertise inside and outside the institution


Better use of data has the potential to improve the quality of healthcare for all, reduce costs, and promote innovation.

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United Kingdom


MacArthur Foundation
NHS in England


The NHS Public Data Science Network project is rooted in the belief that many people possess expertise and will share it, especially if they are asked to contribute. In this first phase, GovLab is collaborating with the NHS in England to focus on mapping the demand for and supply of expertise to the end of eventually designing, developing, and launching a beta version of the data science brain trust populated by data science experts from UK universities and NHS professionals. We are engaging in ethnographic research, including extensive interviews to understand the demand for data science expertise within the NHS in England

Results & Impact

The first stage of the project will involve identifying questions to which the NHS needs answers and measure whether the institution was able to get better, more diverse, more innovative, or faster expertise in response as a result of targeting expertise.
